What will happen when my child moves school?
If your child has any additional needs and you move your child to another school, the SENCOs at both schools make sure that information is shared.
If your child is at a different Nursery School and is about to start in Reception at St Francis, we liaise with the SENCOs at the Nursery schools to find out as much information as possible about your child’s needs. This will include any targets and paperwork or agencies that might have been involved in supporting your child. The class teacher also arranges for a meeting to collect information from you about your child’s interests, likes and dislikes.
When your child moves from Year 6 to secondary school, Miss Hurved will ensure that all information regarding your child’s needs are passed on to the new SENCO. Extra visits to the secondary school may be arranged and sometimes the new SENCO will come to the final review meeting held at St Francis.