Safeguarding Links and Resources
Safeguarding Policy
Free support available from Birmingham City Council
Birmingham Children’s Partnership: From Birmingham with Love
We’ve all been through a tough time with Covid-19 and lockdown. For many families it doesn’t get easier during the summer holidays, which is why we’re here to help. Here are some of our partners’ most used services and support, which might make life a little bit easier…
- Online parenting course. We’ve pre-paid for every parent in Birmingham to access a parenting course. Just enter the access code “COMMUNITY” at the top of the page to claim. There are courses for parents, carers and grandparents of children from bump to 19. Learn about how your child develops, and get tips to manage their behaviour.
- Mental health support. In these difficult times we have to look after our mental health. For young people aged 11-25 there are forums, guides and counselling available at Kooth. If your child 0-25 needs support, get in touch with Pause by calling 0207 841 4470 or email. Adults can get support from MIND by calling 0121 262 3555. Or for urgent help call Forward Thinking Birmingham on 0300 300 0099.
- Financial help. If you’ve lost your job, or are struggling for food or rent there are services that can help. Local welfare provision can make a big difference if you are in a crisis and need food, fuel or basic white goods. Discretionary Housing Payments may be able to help with rent. And there are food banks across Birmingham that are here to help.
- Domestic abuse. For women and children affected by domestic abuse please see guidance or confidentially contact Birmingham and Solihull Women’s Aid. For Men, please contact Respect.
- Problems with drugs or alcohol. A new, discrete app called Staying Free is available on Android or Apple. Use the code “birmingham11” for pre-paid access. To speak to someone call Change Grow Live.
- Bereavement support. It’s a terrible time to lose a loved one — you can get help by calling 0121 687 8010 or from Cruse.
- Early help for families. If anyone in your family needs more help, from public services or community groups, then please contact our voluntary sector local leads. We have ten areas which can connect you to support across the city.
If you are worried about a child, please call Birmingham’s Children's Advice and Support Service on 0121 303 1888. In an emergency, including child abuse, contact the Police on 999. You can also chat to the Police.
Family Connect Referral
Some families need support from more than one professional. Birmingham Children's Partnership connect and work together to support families, continuing to build relationships and supporting a range of needs of all family members.
Government advice for parents and carers when choosing out of school care:
The guidance is intended to help parents and carers choose a safer out-of-school setting for their child.
The guidance covers:
- community activities
- after-school clubs
- supplementary schools
- tuition
- music lessons
- sports training
other activities for children that take place without their parents’ or carers’ supervision, that are not a:
- school
- college
- 16 to 19 college
- provider caring for children under 8 years old registered with Ofsted or a childminder agency
Early Help Support for Families available from Birmingham City Council
Dog Safety
NHS Mental Health Support during Lockdown
0-18 year olds
7 days a week (10am-6pm):
- 0207 841 4470
Support for Key workers
7 days a week (9am-11pm):
- 0121 663 1217
Local help available
Further information about NHS mental health support during Lockdown for all ages
Children at risk of sexual abuse:
Lucy Faithful Foundation Helpline:
Talk to us if you’re worried about child sexual abuse |
Our confidential child sexual abuse prevention helpline (0808 1000 900) is available for anyone with concerns about child sexual abuse. Callers do not need to give identifying information, so can remain anonymous. We speak to thousands of people every year, and help them act to protect children and young people from sexual abuse and exploitation.
If you’re not ready to speak to someone yet, you can get confidential support through our live chat and secure messaging service.
The Lucy Faithful Foundation have also created 12 short films for parents and carers which can be accessed here. |
Modern Slavery
Modern slavery is a harmful and hidden crime and its victims may be especially isolated and hidden from view during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
Help and support is available for victims of modern slavery. This guidance sets out what modern slavery is, how to recognise the indicators of modern slavery and how to refer suspected cases of modern slavery to the appropriate services.